Donate for CSNK2B Research

CSNK2B mutation in children causes neurological disorders including epilepsy, intellectual disorder, speech disorder, and motor skills delay. Please help our children by funding "CSNK2B Epilepsy Research" at Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, the medical school of Columbia University. Please donate here:

CSNK2B Research

Group of Researchers

Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons (VP&S) is one of the USA most research-intensive medical schools, VP&S is consistently ranked among the best medical schools in the USA.

Spectrum of developmental disabilities was done by this group and is waiting for publishment.

Research Areas

  • How does CSNK2B causes disease?
  • Relationships between disease caused by CSNK2B and CSNK2A.
  • Develop a mice model to research how these changes work at the neural level, circuits level, and behavioral level.
  • Use the mice to test possible medications.